Dream Logos

... or the Divine Logic of Dreams

Inspired by the Red Book of Carl Jung

Show today at 15:15!

About the Show

This collective collaboration started with the discovery of C.G.Jung’s Red Book which was a fascinating glimpse into the founding psychologist’s effort to self-heal through directed imaginative storytelling. He dug deep into his personal problems and found creative expression a powerful healing tool. He also suggested we rely on mythic tales to make sense of the mysteries of life in our universe. Joseph Campbell suggested that mystery points to the divine. Therefore, Dream Logos is the divine logic of dreams. The troupe's students from LSU actively dreamed and poured out uncensered about what they were most passionate through writing and choreography. This show is an attempt to assemble these great contributions into a contemporary mythic narrative that speaks to our time through the eyes of our youth of today. It is a calling out to wake up, pay attention, and take control of our destiny. Jesse Allison’s composition gives the show a resonance, a beauty, and a visceral punch. We hope this show echos why the Fringe started after WWII: to heal, to come together, to share culture......
and, to dream.

Dream Logos

15:15 daily
Aug. 2nd-17th
C Venue C South Main Theatre
£9.50/£8.50 concession

For tickets please visit:
The Edinburgh Fringe Festival Website

Location: C venues – C south (Venue 58)
St Peter's, Lutton Place

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